The number of neurons in the brain of living beings on planet Earth.
General information

Gorillas are not just persistent in achieving their desired goal. Very often they go through all sorts of options to solve a particular problem. For example, they will try to shake a high-hanging fruit first, knock it down with a stick, then climb higher and reach it. All this indicates that the gorilla does not just follow instincts, but she learns and remembers.

Each gorilla, like humans, has aesthetic preferences. Gorillas don't just know colors... they have likes and dislikes. This manifests itself even in such trifles as the choice of leaves for bedding. Some primates prefer green foliage, others choose yellow, others brown. The same goes for food.

Gorillas change their bedding every day. They don't just assemble a new one before preparing for the night. First, the gorilla collects and takes away to the same place the old litter of foliage, which is considered dirty in the mind of the primate, and only after that organizes a new place for itself.

Gorillas are able to establish causal relationships, remember them and learn. For example, having stepped into a puddle or mud once and soiled its paws, the primate will avoid repeating this action in every possible way in the future. Also, gorillas are able to remember the reaction of their relatives to some kind of incident or their action.

Gorillas, unlike most other animals, do more than mate for the purpose of reproduction. The primates in question are good at making friends. As a rule, these are gorillas of the same sex. First, primates evaluate each other's personal qualities, and then they begin to spend time together and help each other in every possible way.

Strange as it may sound, however, gorillas have quarrels within married couples. Partners can yell at each other, throw objects at each other, and even fight. Although this is not the best manifestation, however, everything described is what is commonly called "compensatory behavior." It is peculiar in nature only for the owners of some kind of intellect.

Gorillas know how to sympathize with each other. This is a sign of high intelligence. So, if one gorilla in the herd offends another, and someone decides that this was done unfairly, then almost the entire crowd can rush to pity the victim.

Number of neurons

9.1 billion (9 100 000 000) neurons in the cerebral cortex


430—570 gram


In the family of gorillas, there is not just a hierarchy inherent in many animal species. Gorillas confidently keep order in their large family. They educate the younger generation, and also, not without the help of assault, can calm down an overly raging one, attracting attention to the herd or interfering with other relatives.


There is a popular belief that having a good sense of humor is one of the criteria for a high level of intelligence. Definitely, the ability to joke requires a certain amount of mental effort from a person. And who would have thought, but gorillas can do it! Their jokes are like in a third-rate comedy: throw “poo” at your neighbor and pretend that it was not you. However, most other representatives of the wild nature do not know how.

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