In addition to the fact that you will know that you personally did everything you could in the fight against death and your conscience is clear - there is one more thing: a digital snapshot of your friend's consciousness will be absolutely unique. There are no two identical pictures of consciousness. And according to the latest physical theories about parallel universes, it can be argued that there is no death as a complete disappearance. And there is a transition of consciousness into the global energy field. And someday, with a bold impulse, scientists will learn how to extract consciousness from this field in order to revive the departed again in a new body. And at this moment, a unique unique digital trace of your friend's consciousness will allow you to unambiguously find your friend in the ocean of energies and not make a mistake, not confuse.
A neural helmet is put on your pet's head - a set of special sensors on a flexible frame - and for a certain period of time (from 1 to 3 hours) the helmet picks up the signals of the animal's brain neurons and enters them into the computer. We collect a very significant array of data - as complete and detailed as possible. And at the end of the procedure, we give the client 2 copies of the saved image on 2 hard drives.
To use our service - leave a request at the link below:
Or contact us in any way you want from the CONTACTS section:
Our traditional clients are cats and dogs. These are the people who make them most often as their friends. But separately, we also provide services to horses - as one of the most intelligent animals, which some people also keep.
However, there are still a number of very intelligent animals in the world, whose consciousness is very developed. You can read about them on our website at the link below:
In this case, you must send a request to our company for a special scan. And we will consider your request on an individual basis.
The fact is that animals that are not included in the main list of our clients are wild and often even very dangerous. Therefore, extremely non-standard conditions may be required to preserve their consciousness, and this issue requires study.
Strictly speaking, the smartest on this planet are humans, primates and some large marine animals (dolphins, killer whales).
As for the latter, particularly complex and expensive devices are required to scan the consciousness of the inhabitants of the deep sea.
As for primates and humans, it is technically possible to do this, but the legislative and cultural norms of human society are a serious obstacle for this. But even this is not the main thing. And most importantly, in the event of an unsuccessful upload of a person’s consciousness in the future, the emotional stress of people who love him can be so great that it will lead to unpredictable consequences.
We will be able to scan a human only when the other animals will be 100% implemented and the effectiveness of the technology of introducing consciousness into the body in the future will be shown. But we believe in the power of science and believe that this moment will come - and people will be able to live forever one way or another.
The further we move along the path of knowing the laws of our Universe, the better we will understand exactly how this is consistent with the religious teachings of various denominations.
No, it doesn't bother. We all live in an amazing world. Before our eyes, during the lifetime of one generation, a technological leap unprecedented in history took place, especially a leap in computer technology.
Right now, even quantum computers are no longer science fiction. When this technology is brought to mind, the computing power of mankind will grow billions of times more and become truly limitless. We will not only assemble people's bodies from atoms and molecules - we will be able to calculate and construct entire artificial worlds.
Everyone who has lost loved ones and relatives - no matter what he believes before - in the depths of his soul dreams of seeing his loved ones again and being with them together.
Everyone who did not believe - having experienced a loss - begins to believe that if not in this life, then in the next, he will definitely be with his loved ones.
So let's not silently wait for the next lives, but believe in ourselves. Let us believe that it is in our power to do everything in this life to meet them again.
We must do everything in our power. We are simply obliged - and these are not empty words. We came into this world not to consume, but to create. In order to leave a trace behind and contribute to the common cause of the progress of mankind, in order to bring closer as soon as possible those times when illness and death will recede before the power of science and man will spread throughout the Universe, as Russian scientists and cosmist philosophers dreamed (Fedorov, Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky and others).